中国钓鱼人网 英文诠释 about cnfisher

2012-11-01 17:51:09  钓鱼人网作者:  来源:  评论:0  发表评论

  Chinese Fisherman was a form which is found by fishing lovers when they learn fishing. They found this site to collect the articles about fishing techniques in Internet. In this way, they can improve their fishing abilities. With the content get larger, the number of visiters get larger. Many fishing lovers known and frequent this site. It is nowadays one of the most famous site for fishing. There are already more than 2000 people who have signed un to this community. With the increase of the date of the site, the original forum can no longer satisfy the demande of the development of the site. That’s why we construct the Fishing World and the officiel site of Chinese Fisherman which is on-line nowadays. Adapting the new technology CMS which assure its safety and with a wide variety of contents, Chinese Fisherman remplace the place of Fisherman’s forum. This processe is completed, and please visit the site .

(原标题:中国钓鱼人网 英文诠释 about cnfisher)

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